quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2011

a cigarette on the hat,
a lipstick mark on the neck.
he cheated, he lied, he is walking on the saddest side of the street,
he has no glory, he is dead
in side, but he seems fine, he doesn't care
about who was the girl of the last night
and he is just enjoying walk while is still dark.

all nights awake, and at day he stays at the nearest pub,
walking everywhere, he doesn't know where to go,
he is following the path of the smoke.

the fog flows, he is sitting on the floor and
the women are looking at him, a man without past
and all they see is mystery, the unknown, in side of that poor man,
but all he promises is one night, a small chance to a bubble
of happiness. shallow is the next day, he wake up first and he knows the way out,
he follows the shadow of the clouds,
the clouds are his company and he doesn't need nothing else.

he was kind for every girl, but he vanished before they realized,
he doesn't love, he needs one night only,
and at the morning
there are just wrinkles in bed.

"So girls stay away from him,
because he doesn't know what is love..."
he is just a man
trying to walk in the shadow of the earth,
he has no face and he is everywhere,
a walker that can't sleep yet, because he knows a truth
that he doesn't want to share.

terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011

um suicida.

Conheci um rapaz que sonhava um amor,
sonhava beijar os labios de uma doce flor.

Ela era linda e de olhos carinhosos,
tão doce era o amor dos dois,
tão belos eram os sonhos do garoto,
eram dois belos amores,
segredos que nem um compartilhava ao outro.

O rapaz amava a moça
e a moça amava o rapaz,
o garoto ensaiava no espelho o que diria ao vê-la
e a garota imaginava a face do rapaz sobre as nuvens
no jardim da cidade.
Mas estes só trocavam olhares nada mais,
um sorriso da moça,
e a vermelhidão do rapaz, e a saudade
apertava quando a garota ia para casa
e o rapaz também.

Os dois cresceram guardando o amor,
outros amores vieram e o garoto perdeu o medo do amor.
Mas se ver não mais.
A moça e o garoto jamais.
Pois a moça se foi, e o rapaz
não amou mais ninguém e nada mais.